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Updating Dash

The following directions are for updating Dash using the latest CloudFormation UI. If you are using the old interface please follow this guide.

What Will You Need?

  • AWS User With Administrator Permissions – (the CloudFormation template creates resources that require a higher permission set)

  • Latest Dash Compliance Platform CloudFormation Template

  • Existing Dash Compliance Platform in your AWS account 

  • About 5 minutes of time

Backing Up Existing Application Data

Before updating the Dash application to a new version, your team should backup your existing application data.

Organizations with versions Dash applications below v2.4.0, should contact Dash for update instructions

For Dash v2.4.0 and above, your team can take the following steps to backup existing application data:

  1. Login to your Dash application and navigate to the 

Settings Page.

  1. Click on “

Backup and Restore” in the Settings menu options.

  1. Click the “Create Backup” button. A loading screen will appear for 10 seconds or longer.

  1. Confirm that your backup has been created by clicking on the “Restore Backup” button. You should be able to see a backup listed with the most recent creation time in the popup modal.

  1. Once your team has confirmed that your a backup has been successfully created for your Dash application data, your team can move on to next steps for updating the application.

Update Instructions

  1. Logout of any existing Dash ComplyOps application.

  2. Download the latest CF (CloudFormation) template.

  3. Log into AWS account and pick your region with existing Dash Compliance Platform installation

  4. Go to CloudFormation and choose existing Dash Compliance Platform installation.

  1. Select Stack and press button 

Action → Update Stack

  1. Select the radio button 

Replace Current Template. Use the latest CF Template.

  1. Click “


  1. Go to next page, and click “

Next“. No changes are required.

  1. Go to next page, and click “

Next“. No changes are required.

  1. On this page select checkbox “I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation” might create IAM resources with custom names. and click “Update“.

10. The update will take a few minutes. After that, you should see that the update completed successfully. The CloudFormation Stack will have the status “Update Complete”.

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