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User Management

User Roles

Dash v2.8.0, simplifies user roles to only two types of roles. Below is a description of the types of user roles that can be created in Dash ComplyOps:




“Administrator” users have all permissions and abilities within the Dash application. This type of user can access Policies, Compliance Issues, Reports, and change settings (including managing users and roles).

Note: The first user created during the Dash setup process is automatically an “Administrator” user.


“Users” have similar permissions to “Administrator” users, with some specific limitations. Users can access Policies, Compliance Issues, Reports, and change certain settings, but are NOT able to access the “Organizations Settings” page. This means users cannot add/remove users, define roles, set settings around auto-remediations or make changes to the domain name.

Inviting/Creating New Users

“Administrator” users are able to invite new users to Dash and are able to set permissions for users.

You invite a new user to join Dash by following these steps:

  1. Login to Dash as a user with “Administrator” permissions

    1. The first user created during Dash setup has this role.

  2. Navigate to Settings → “Organization Settings”

  3. Under the “Organization Members” → Click “Invite New Member”

  4. Enter the “Email”, “First Name”, and “Last Name” for the user you want to invite to Dash.

  5. Click the “Invite New User” button.

    1. A user invite will be sent to the defined email.

  6. The invite user can click the email link and define user settings to create a new user associated with your Dash application.

Setting User Roles/Permissions

As mentioned in the User Roles section, Dash users can assigned one of several user roles that defined permissions within Dash. By default new users will be assigned the basic “User” role.

You can take the following steps to set the role for a specific user:

  1. Login to Dash as a user with “Administrator” permissions

  2. Navigate to Settings → “Organization Settings”

  3. Under the “Organization Members” → Click the Edit Icon next to an individual user

    1. A modal will appear with options for user Roles.

  4. Select the specific role to assign to the user → Click outside the modal to save your selection

  5. The user will now have the defined role.

Removing Users

You can take the following steps to remove an existing Dash user:

  1. Login to Dash as a user with “Administrator” permissions

  2. Navigate to Settings → “Organization Settings”

  3. Under the “Organization Members” → Click the Delete Icon next to an individual user

  4. You will be asked to confirm deletion of the user → Click “Yes” to delete the user

  5. The user is now deleted from Dash.

If you have deleted a user by mistake, you can re-invite the old user by email following the instructions under “Inviting/Creating New Users”. This user will receive a new invite email and have to set user settings and password to login again.

Changing Your Email and Password

At anytime, you may want to change the email or password associated with your user account and used to login to Dash.

Any user can change their email or password credentials by taking the following steps:

  1. Login to Dash

  2. Navigate to Settings → “User Settings”

  3. Click the Edit Icon next to the Email or Password

  4. You will be shown options to change your email or change your password

  5. Complete all fields and click “Save New Email” or “Save New Password” to make the changes

  6. Your user credentials will now be changed to use the new Email or password

Forgot Your Password?

If you have forgotten your password and are unable to login to the Dash application, you can take the following steps to reset your password:

  1. Go to the login page of Dash

  2. Click the “Forgot Password” button

  3. Enter in the Email of your Dash user account → Click “Change Password”

    1. You will now be sent an email to reset your password.

  4. Open the Password Reset email and click on the link to reset your password

  5. Enter a new password → Click the “Submit” button

  6. You will now be able to login to Dash using your email and new password.

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