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Known Issues

Dash ComplyOps continues to be updated, but may have some temporary limitations that will be resolved in the near future.

Below is a list of known limitations or issues within the current Dash application right now:



Ignore function in Compliance Center findings only Ignores a finding for 1 day

Currently scans update daily, with Ignored findings being reopened after one day, rather than longterm ignore/whitelist.

  • We are currently working on updating the Ignore function to create a longterm Ignore of findings when marked by the user

Some Compliance Center findings are identified as “Global” to AWS rather than specific to the AWS region

Currently some scan results in the Compliance Center may identify findings as “global” rather than regional findings.

  • These findings are valid, but may be missing some context related to the AWS region

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.